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What Can Be Done to Reduce Erosion at Construction Sites?

Aug. 05, 2021

Builders move large amounts of soil on job sites, but not always intentionally. When the ground erodes as a result of construction activities, it can have a significant impact on the surrounding area. By affecting the land in a variety of ways, crews make it more susceptible to erosion by wind, water, and movement. 

Grading and filling have the potential to significantly reduce soil quality, and sediments may wash into nearby water sources. This can have devastating effects on wildlife and vegetation, creating rampant environmental hazards. That's why it's the contractor's responsibility to figure out how to prevent soil erosion during construction. 

Overlapping swamp drilling rig Amphi mats can create an instant roadway over virtually any type of terrain (mud, sand, marshy, uneven or soft terrain). Amphi mats could avoid potential injuries to workers incurred while dislodging vehicles & equipment from excessive wear and damage due to operating on unstable ground conditions.


How does construction affect soil erosion?

How does construction cause erosion? Take a look at what equipment crews bring to the site. Most activities involve excavating and ripping up large machinery underground, even if it is not intended to do so. This can be done with their root systems stripping away plants like grass to keep dirt in place. Changing the grade of a plot can also make areas more susceptible to losing sediment from rainfall or wind gusts.

Amphi Mats

Amphi Mats

What can be done to reduce erosion at construction sites?

Contractors have a variety of options when it comes to soil erosion and prevention. The following are some of the most common and how they work.


  • Articulated concrete blocks - These blocks have joints that can be combined together. Because they fit the shape of the land, they can effectively hold the soil in place and are often used along waterways and drainage channels.

  • Soil walls - Made of precast concrete and filled with granular soil, they provide excellent protection against soil erosion on slopes

  • Turbidity barriers - They utilize geomembranes that float on the surface of lakes, rivers, or streams. They are anchored to the bottom with heavyweights that pull the earth back from the water column.

  • French drains- These are underground pipes that carry water away from the project site before it can carry away dirt from the area.

  • Earth Nails- They are nailed into the hillside to prevent the slope from crumbling. They are usually covered with a retaining wall-like finish.

  • Riprap - This technique is very effective in areas with high concentrations of runoff. Boulder aggregate is poured over the geomembrane to prevent the ground from being washed away by water.

  • Access mats- When used as temporary roads, overlapping swamp drilling rig Amphi mats can be an effective method of erosion control because they protect sensitive wetlands and other ecologically fragile areas.

Why choose Abosn mats?

We are experts in providing mats for protecting floors from heavy equipment damage. No one else in the industry has the same level of experience or extensive inventory as we do. Wherever your project is located, chances are we're close by and can deliver the product you need quickly and in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Make sure your impact on the next site doesn't extend beyond the planned construction. Contact us today and we will provide you with a quote based on your specific needs.

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