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Types of Access Mats

Jun. 21, 2021

There are many different types of access mats, each with a specific and unique purpose. Depending on the needs of the situation, contractors may use one or more types of mats to improve the functionality of their vehicles and equipment while reducing their ecological footprint. Since there are significant differences between different types of construction mats, understanding how to choose the right road protection mats is critical to achieving the desired results. With that in mind, here is some basic information to help you choose the best entry mat for your project. Next, the temporary road protection mats supplier will share the following content with you.

Basic Types of Access Mats

To understand how to choose the right construction floor mat for your job, it's important to first understand the differences between some of the most common varieties. These include

Wooden mats 

Made from hardwood, these mats can be joined together to create temporary paths and platforms for heavy equipment. They allow vehicles to traverse areas without roads or stable ground, such as wetlands or swamps. They can also be used to build bridges over ditches and trenches.

Outrigger Pads

 Outrigger Pads

Outrigger pads 

Certain types of machinery, such as cranes, require a sturdy base to ensure worker safety and optimal performance. Regardless of soil conditions, outrigger pads provide a rigid surface to carry the weight of that equipment.

Transition mats 

Transition mats help vehicles transition from the road to the site they enter using a mat system. They are used as ramps to allow trucks, excavators, and other equipment to easily reach carpeted areas. This makes them particularly suitable for civil construction work.

Track-out mats

Wheels and treads can carry large amounts of dirt and other debris off the site and onto the road. This can violate local ordinances and create runoff that can contaminate water supplies. Track mats have a textured surface that removes sediment and dirt from tires and tracks before the vehicle leaves the project area.

Choosing the right mat for your project

There are many factors you need to consider when comparing the type of access matting available for your job site. Considering this ahead of time will prevent you from making mistakes that could prevent you from doing your job. You should consider.

  • Site conditions- Excessively wet or unstable floors require added stability.

  • Equipment - Depending on the type of machinery you will be using, you may need to build temporary roads to handle all the traffic or just placemats in a few strategic locations for particularly large units.

  • Environmental constraints - If the areas you work in include wetlands or other ecologically sensitive habitats, you may need mats to protect them from the stresses exerted by wheels and treads. You may also need to ensure that no mud or debris is carried off-site at the end of the day.

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